ABC News, in its “14 for 14” Project, proclaims that “The Kentucky Senate race will be the most watched 2014 contest of them all…” The reason for the excitement? Incumbent Senator Mitch McConnell has been in office for Kentucky since 1984—30 years! Kentucky, known by its nickname “The Bluegrass State,” has a very confusing political climate. Most voters identify themselves as Democrats; however, Republican candidates are most often chosen, which is how McConnell has stayed in office for so long. Therefore, the fact that a Democrat is challenging the long-standing Senator is a huge political focus. The fact that the Democrat was LEADING in some polls is an even bigger political focus. The mentioned Democratic challenger is named Alison Grimes, and is aiming for the seat of the previously-mentioned incumbent Mitch McConnell.
Mitch McConnell being a long-standing Senator isn’t the only reason this race is the hottest out there. In the confusing political climate that is the Bluegrass State, many factors will influence the upcoming election. For example, many believe that McConnell has had his fill of being Senator, and that 30 years in Congress is more than enough for one person. Also, through tv ads, Grimes has been attempting to attract more conservative Democrats. However, McConnell appeals to older citizens more, and older citizens are more likely to vote. Also, at one point, it appeared that Grimes was leading. Now, Mitch McConnell has stepped up his game, and is leading in all polls.
The major issues in this race aren’t exactly issues. Voters are weighing between two outcomes: having McConnell at least another 6 years OR electing Grimes, who voters believe will act as Obama believes she should. This, in fact, ties back to the “mid-term effect” perfectly: because of Obama’s unpopularity and Grimes’s affiliation with him, people are less likely to vote for her. Therefore, Grimes has been trying make distance between herself and President Obama. Also, it’s a question of money: McConnell has raised $21 million for his campaign, while Grimes has raised $8 million. This is factor that voters will either take as good or bad.
According to the most recent polls, Incumbent Senator Mitch McConnell will win this race. He is currently about 6% ahead of Alison Grimes in the poll. If McConnell stays in office and the Senate gains at least 6 Republican seats, then McConnell will become the official Senate majority leader. Republicans having control of the Senate is a huge deal because they already have control of the House of Representatives. Republicans would completely control Congress, causing major problems between the legislative branch and President Obama. Looking further, if a Republican president is elected and their numbers in Congress don’t diminish, both the legislative and executive branches will be under Republican control. Therefore, it is very likely that, in the farther future, the Republicans will become unpopular and the Democrats will take over, and the cycle will go on and on. However, that’s just speculation.
ABC News
Courier Journal
Real Clear Politics
Basic Info About Kentucky
Quick note: The formatting messed up a little bit, pay it no mind.