- Jeanne Shaheen - D (NH), Rerunning, 6 year term.
- Vote: 48.4%
Scott Brown - R (NH) Running for senator, used to be senator for Massachusetts, 2 year term. He is against Obamacare but trying to use his NH roots to gain voters.
- Vote: 45.9%
- Shaheen vs Brown
- This race may be the most expensive race NH has experienced. Shaheen is expected to win. Brown was the former senator for Massachusetts (MA) and is now running for NH senator. He is known as a carpetbagger, a candidate who runs somewhere where they have no local connections. He lost in MA but may win NH.
The incumbent in this race is Democrat Jeanne Shaheen. She is rerunning as senator for New Hampshire (NH). Her challenger is Republican Scott Brown, former senator of Massachusetts (MA). Whoever wins this means they are helping not only the state but also gaining seats for their party in senate. New Hampshire is a blue state meaning Shaheen is more likely to win but with Brown using his New Hampshire roots to reel people in it can change. According to polls, Shaheen is in the lead with 48.4% votes. Brown has 45.9%.
- Senator Pat Roberts - R, Served in Senate since 1997. Seeking fourth term
- Vote: 41.8%
- Greg Orman - I
- Vote: 42.5%
- Kansas hasn’t voted for a democrat since before WW2. They don’t plan on doing so but they may vote for an independent party. Nominee Chad Taylor, a democrat, backed out of the race in order to help Greg Orman. They still are a red state but that doesn’t mean they will vote for a republican. So far Orman, Independent, is in the lead with 42.5%. Pat Roberts, our incumbent who is a republican, is seeking his fourth term. His votes are at 41.8%. Times in Kansas can be changing now if Orman wins. Like the other article seats in senate may rise or fall depending on who wins here.
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