Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Texas Governor Race 2014

ABC News' "14 for 14" claims that Texas is a state to watch during for 2014's mid term elections and it's clear why. With the longest reigning Texas governor, Rick Perry, finally stepping down from his position, both Abbot and Davis are fighting for that open seat. With no incumbent running, the victor of this race is less clear than others. Texas is without a doubt an overall  conservative, and republican state, hence why it has a status of being red. They haven't elected a Democratic governor since Ann Richards back in 1990. With that in mind, most would expect Republican candidate, Attorney General Greg Abbot, is a shoe in for the position. However, Wendy Davis is a Democratic icon that's a force to be reckoned with.

Wendy Davis is no stranger to advocating for abortion rights. Her 11-hour filibuster on an anti-abortion bill was truly a noteworthy and remarkable notion that has caught the attention of her public. Not to mention she has shared her own personal stories with abortion making her a relatable candidate in this election. Her passion in this issue could win many women votes. 

Davis' Republican counter part has also had his share of strongly fighting for what he wanted. Abbot clearly identified himself as a conservative when he fought the Supreme Court to keep the Ten Commandments on the state capitol complex. This action and his ideals should win him the Christian vote. 

Voter turnout for the state of Texas is truly the deciding factor in this election. With Texas' Republican consistency Abbot is sure to win. He does in fact have a 17% voter lead on Davis. However, the state's growing numbers in Hispanic and young voters could make this a close race. Davis herself said, "It's not that Texas is a deeply red state; it's that it's a chronically low-vote-participation state." Maybe this is the start of Texas furthering itself from being a red state?


  1. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/texas-governor-race-2014-abc-news-14-14/story?id=22270229
  2. http://www.npr.org/2014/09/13/347958028/wendy-davis-tells-of-her-own-difficult-abortions-in-forgetting
  3. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2014/governor/tx/texas_governor_abbott_vs_davis-3596.html

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