Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Arkansas Race

Arkansas is complicated politically, they have mostly elected Democrats to the senate, but all the races in the past have been fairly close. The state is a purple state that swings closely one way or the other. The incumbent in this race is Senator Mark Pryor D. and he is running against Rep. Tom Cotton. In addition Pryor's father David Pryor was Arkansas's senator from 1978-1996, but Cotton is backed by not just the GOP, but also the Tea Party, he is a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan and has a couple of Harvard degrees. Making him a very dangerous opponent.

Winning this race would mean a third term for Pryor, but it's going to be very tough for Pryor because of Obama's low ratings on his healthcare reform and overall. This could really be the edge that Cotton needs to split the state to his side. This race is so important because Democrats in the South may be extinct after this election.

The four biggest issues in this Senate race are Pryor's support for Obama and the healthcare reform, Cotton's voting record, seniors issues, and the candidates personalities. Of the first two issues each candidate has managed to make the other look like a supporter of Obama or an extremist, Pryor is winning with his personality, and Cotton is more popular in the senior issues.

According to the polls this is really anyone's race, but this elections impact could b very great. If Cotton wins there will be one less Democrat in the South which seems to be an increasing trend. If Pryor wins then the Democrats have one more person in the Senate decreasing the chances of the Republicans taking the senate.

Key Issues

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